The Pearl Code Teachings are advance teachings for the Elect Souls to help awaken their Pearl Code in preparation for a true physical ascension of Earth. These are sacred and ancient Kabballah teachings brought here originally via The Melchizedek Order from the Higher Planes of existence to help anchor these Pearl Codes into the Grids of Earth to align her back onto the organic blueprint, taught over the last few millenniums as the return of the Shekhinah (the intellect of God). These are channeled teachings from the 144 Seraphim as well as sacred Kabballah teachings guarded by The Melchizedek Order of the Inner Planes.
When ions enter Blue Energy (very strong energetic waves between magnetic poles) at a specific angle they will start to spiral around these magnetic field lines due to the electromagnetic force, and this creates a helical motion. This was shown to me from the Luminous Garments of Glory, which is the Worlds without form that emanate from the Non-Existent ONE, THE LUMINOUS PEARL. What I saw was this energy surrounding Earth. Earth does not mean singularly for it is a gnostic term for ALL MATERIAL FORMS, the Underworld, the realms of the Night.
Channeled Message:
"For The Elect Ones, you are aware of the ancient Pearl Code teachings of how the material realms were created from the emanation of Sophia-matter when she decided to create without the Light Seed of Divine Father God Source. This created gloom. When darkness is introduced to light, it becomes gloomy which is why we call it the Night. This was the first creation of that known today as CHAOS. It was from this that 7 serpents were created as the lower thought-forms, from which material creations came into being due to their own wars of domination. We will bring these teachings forth once again soon, however, for now giving a brief recap to better understand what is happening NOW.
It was these 7 creations combined with the Darkness itself and its mother Sophia-matter that makes the NINE (nine headed serpent/Lernaean Hydra/Ego). This is the realm of the Underworld where all earthly forms reside. As part of the Divine Will of The Light Seed (Christos), sparks of it descended from the Brotherhood of Light (origin of The Melchizedek Order) to help the lower vibrational creations of the chaotic thought-forms repent. Repent means “return”, repentance means “returning”, as in returning into LIGHT.

As the ascension gates opened after 2020, we slowly illuminated the material bodies. For those of you who have studied Spirituality (not New Age, there is a huge difference) you are aware of what occurred last time when the gates opened. To avoid this happening again, we must allow the luminous light to rain down like a light mist. Even with this light mist many are still feeling the agitation.
Returning now to the blue energy; think of those of you who house the Christ Seed as popcorn. When the microwave is heating up, you will all expand, this is the purpose of the Blue Energy. Yet is there not some who will become burnt and some who never fully expand? These are those who are unable to anchor this light fully and those who experience a death.
As we have disclosed in The Ascension Symptoms Manual and The Pearl Rose Mystica; the nervous system is the highway of light for this luminous rain. If you hold too much resistance in the body, it will cause the Mental and Emotional Bodies to become agitated. Why? Because the nine headed serpent is the Ego. Its seeds are planted in those who have not anchored the Higher Mind. Therefore, they will hold pockets of dense thought-forms (earthly beliefs) which are keeping the Crown, 8th, and 9th Chakra blocked (reference Higher Mind Awakening teaching for more).
When the ions of this light surround the Energy Bodies of a material form, it causes suppressed emotions and thoughts to rise, this is agitation. All one must due is expand their intelligence and align it with Spirit and in an instance this energy will return into purity, this is the meaning of sovereignty. One does not need a long earthly New Age-based ritual to do this, for the power of the Luminous Light is above it all, for this is how Spirit operates.
From IQ27 combined with 4Q300-301 it is written:
“They know not the mystery to come, nor do they understand the things of the past. They know not that which shall befall them, nor do they save their soul from the mystery to come.
And this shall be the sign for you that these things shall come to pass. When the breed of iniquity is shut up, wickedness shall then be banished by the righteousness as darkness is banished by the light. And smoke clears and is no more; knowledge shall fill the worlds, and folly shall exist no longer.
This Word shall surely come to pass; this prophecy is true. And by this may it be known to you that it shall not be taken back.
…the Sorcerers, experts in iniquity, have uttered the parable and proclaimed the riddle in advance…..I will cause my spirit to flow and I will divide my words for you according to your kinds and comprehension of the parable and the riddle.”
In order to eat the fruit from The Tree, one must learn of its roots, of its SEED. This is the meaning of wisdom gained by reading the ancient, coded texts we Oracles, Prophets, Saints scribed and hid in the sands of time to be read by the Chosen Sparks of Light of now. Only these Sparks will gain access to the riddles of The Luminous LIGHT.
Iniquity in-depth means “distorting”. Sorcery and Fate stem from “that which has been spoken”. Sorcery simply is a distortion of The Divine Word, which is The Way of the Light Sparks to return into The Light Seed (Christos) by way of Gnostic Spirituality. The Monad of all Light Sparks is The Non-Existent ONE, THE LUMINOUS PEARL. But to become anointed by the light-giving Light, one must give unto it all earthly beliefs (dissolve this distortion from the Ego) and lean into Spirit. It is this simple.
Prayer is not about voice and movement of lips! It is about what your Soul believes! Ascension from the realms of Chaos is not about Earthly traditions and how many new-age communities you create/join. It is about mastering stillness and flipping the Soul inward to illuminate Self. If you simply believe that you can give all that no longer serves you, give all those lower seeds of the NINE to THE ONE LUMIOUS LIGHT and that it will make you whole and full again…then it WILL BE because this is THE WORD. Be drunken of the mind no more. Drink now from the light-giving Light, which is the Luminous Spring, the Holy Spirit, the Christos Light that baptizes you in The Garments of Glory. Remember who you are in the Fullness. Remember the memory of THE LUMINOUS PEARL."
© Zaneta Ra 2024
This is part of channeled teachings from the 144 Seraphim.
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